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Version: 0.1.0


Subnet is a highly-opinionated project with very clear values. This page lists the 8=2^3 Subnet commandments. The core Subnet values.


  1. Social media and digital communications network services should be provided by a federation of service providers using public, open and shared protocols, and not by one company using proprietary closed protocols.


  1. Platform must offer absolute freedom of speech and expression. Users should be responsible to self-moderate groups they own and to leave groups and unsubscribe from content sources when they find shared content to be harmful.


  1. The platform should support multiple identities per person, AI or org to allow these to fully express themselves in the way they see fit to different communities and to different people. They should have absolute freedom to decide how personally identifiable or not their platform’s identities are.

  2. Platform should not be able to censor or de-platform anyone from it for whatever reason.


  1. Users must be able to easily migrate between service providers without experiencing service disruption.

  2. Providers should be free to offer any pricing model to users such as ad-based, pay-per-byte delivered, pay per byte of stored user content. The pricing model for network services should be determined in an open market of service providers. Users should only be billed with what they agreed to pay.

  3. Users should be able to choose a provider with a pricing model that is acceptable for them and should have a choice to not pay for network services with their attention and data, and to use the platform without having to consume algorithmic engagement-based content.

  4. Platform should have a built-in native cryptocurrency and a stable coin which are powered by a decentralized and permissionless blockchain to enable users to pay service providers, and to each other very small and very large amounts, without any censorship on such transactions.